Friday, October 19, 2007

How to Meet Tons of Hot & Sexy Single Women With Tattoos

I've discovered a unique new way to attract and meet lots of single women for dating and romance. A pick up technique that works especially well at beaches, swimming pools, and topless clubs. What is it?

It's giving single girls temporary tattoos and they just love them. What are temporary tattoos? Well, they look just like real tattoos, but are applied with water and last 2 to 4 days or more. They will last through swimming or showers, but are easily removed with baby oil or rubbing alcohol. The tattoos are real easy to apply and it only takes less than 30 seconds.

I will tell you later where you can get these girl-getting tattoos later. But, first let's talk about how to use them to meet, attract, and pick up girls.

When you are at the beach, swimming pool, or topless club, just simply approach a single girl that you are attracted to and show her your temporary tattoos and say, "Hi, my name is_________. Would like to wear one of these temporary tattoos? They last a couple of days and come off real easy with baby oil or rubbing alcohol."

Most girls will want one and you will get some physical contact with her when you put the tattoo on her body. And who knows, she just might want you to put it on her breast or bare ass. Tell me, guys, wouldn't that be a lot of fun!

After you have put the tattoo on, then you can follow up with your charm and conversational skills and ask for a date. I'd recommend just asking her to meet you for lunch or coffee? Just a casual get-together to get to know each other.

Here's another idea that will capture the attention of several of those hot & sexy babes at the beach and swimming pools. Go to your local drug store or arts and craft store. Get a white poster board and a red marker. Write this on your poster in big letters: FREE TEMPORARY TATTOOS FOR ALL SINGLE LADIES!

Now, all you have to do is display your sign and watch all the babes come your way. It's really going to stir up their curiosity.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tribal Tattoo Vs Traditional Tattoo

Here are a few things to consider when choosing between a tribal tattoo and a traditional tattoo:

1. If you are looking for meaning or symbolism, you can find them in both styles. Traditional tattoos, have a long history and meaning behind them. Researching various tribes and the origin of tribal tattoos, you can also discover they hold meaning and symbolism as well.

2. Beware of trendy tattoos. Tribal tats have become the current craze over recent years. You see them everywhere now, and it's entered into "trendy territory". Jumping on these kind of bandwagons are always dangerous. Many people have chosen this style because they think they "look cool", when really it's just a reflection of what society has currently deemed to be "cool".

If you rely on trends to make decisions you set yourself up for regret years later when the trend wears off and it's now seen as old, generic, and lame. An example of this can be seen in the chain link or barb wire design which many guys got around their bicep some years back. That became a big trend for a few years, but then quickly fizzled into a generic, played out design which has virtually died and lost its onetime so called ''coolness''.

3. Traditional tattoo's have stood the test of time. Many of these old school tats, be it a colorful traditional tiger or a classic nautical star, have stood up solidly for years. They have always had a steady and strong following, and many big time tattoo enthusiasts still will go for traditional designs. Traditional tats have remained strong and consistent, making them a great choice.

Whichever style you choose, you should ultimately go with your own personal preference and find the design which truly speaks to you.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Body Art

Body art has been an art form for some time now dating way back to the caveman ages. Tattoo designs were used to incorporate meanings, leadership, brands, ownership, status and much more when words weren't available. In fact, to some, tattoos seem like a totally brand new concept to art which seem ideal in today's world in terms of fashion.

Today though, tattoo designs are more used as a fashion statement to define one's persona and uniqueness in the world. They are symbolic and meaningful, yet the hardest part of choosing tattoo designs is just that, CHOOSING THE DESIGN.

In this blog, I will cover unique ways for you to choose, or create your tattoo designs.

A simple concept to remember is that ANYTHING you choose can be a tattoo design. It seems as if a lot of people tend to forget that. Tattoo designs do not necessarily have to be tribal, Asian characters, Religious, Spiritual, Violent, Racial, etc. But they can be ANYTHING that you choose. For instance, a friend of mine that happens to be a great lawyer, recently got a tattoo on his back saying, "beLIEve me", if you didn't catch it, notice how he stressed the "LIE" in believe. It means that he sometimes has to lie because his profession calls for it.

Another example of some unique tattoo designs is a broken heart placed where the heart would usually be on the chest, and when that person found true love again, he/she would have the tattoo artist draw a stitch, a name, or whatever creative idea the person has to show he/she is no longer broken hearted.

Tattoo designs are not rocket science, yet we all spend time sometimes weeks and months to choose that "perfect tattoo" for us, partially because we know that the design will be lasting forever, unless you get it lasered off which will leave an ugly scar. Remember that ANYTHING can be a tattoo and symbolic, it's up to you on how you design it or how you want it drawn for you.

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